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- 브랜드
- 브랜드 Brand Followers: Consumer motivation and attitude toward brand communications on twitter.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수442
- 0
- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 Cultural values reflected in financial services advertising: A cross-cultural analysis of magazine ads in the U.S. and Korea.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수445
- 0
- 브랜드
- 브랜드 Brand followers’ retweeting behavior on Twitter: How brand relationships influence brand electronic word-of-mouth.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수577
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- 브랜드
- 브랜드 The effects of colors on brand personality in advertising.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수597
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- 인공지능
- 인공지능 Shopping with friends: The social experience of virtual shopping.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수488
- 0
- 브랜드
- 브랜드 Nothing can tear us apart: The effect of brand identity fusion in consumer-brand relationships.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수537
- 0
- 브랜드
- 브랜드 Gucci vs. Old Navy: Interplay of brand personality and regulatory focus in advertising persuasion.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수489
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 To app or not to app: Engaging consumers via branded mobile apps.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수584
- 0
- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 Keep the social in social media: The role of social interaction in avatar-based virtual shopping.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수492
- 0
- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 Smart choice: Smartphone users’ intentions to accept mobile advertising.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수471
- 0