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- 소비자 & 광고 Following the breadcrumbs: Analyzing online product review characteristics by online shoppers review.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수358
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- 지속가능성
- 지속가능성 Are we a product of our environment? Assessing culturally congruent Green advertising appeals, novelty, and environmental concern in India and the USA.
- 임정재
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수469
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 Get behind my selfies: The Big Five traits and social networking behaviors through selfies.
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- 조회수476
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- 디지털 미디어 매스미디어가 기업신뢰에 미치는 영향.
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- 조회수493
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 The role of narcissism in self-promotion on Instagram.
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- 조회수413
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 Following brands on Twitter: An extension of theory of planned behavior.
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 Consumer emotional intelligence and its effects on responses to transgressions.
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- 디지털 미디어 Are you on timeline or news feed?: The roles of Facebook pages and construal level in increasing ad effectiveness.
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- 조회수313
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