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- 브랜드 The effects of sensory fit on consumer evaluations of co-branding.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수610
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- 브랜드 Effects of Brand Anthropomorphism on Consumer-Brand Relationships on Social Networking Site Fan Page: The Mediating Role of Social Presence.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수634
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 What makes materialistic consumers more ethical? Self-benefit vs. other-benefit appeals.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수634
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- 인공지능
- 인공지능 "헤이 카카오!" : 소비자-인공지능 기기의 상호작용 요인에 대한 질적 연구.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수663
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 Self-Disclosures on Facebook: The Two Faces of Narcissism.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수540
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- 브랜드 Shaping Corporate Character Through Symmetrical Communication: The Effects on Employee-Organization Relationships.
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 #DeleteFacebook: Antecedents of Facebook fatigue.
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 I hope to protect myself from the threat: The impact of self-threat on prevention- vs. promotion-focused hope.
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 Using Instagram While “In a Relationship”: The Roles of Narcissism and Self-Esteem.
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