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- 브랜드 Consumer Investment in brand relationship: Scale development and validation.
- 김나연
- 2022-02-14
- 조회수608
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 When “nothing” becomes “something” : Value-driven attentional capture without reward.
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- 2022-02-14
- 조회수518
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 Is no reward a relative value? : Value-conspicuity-driven attentional capture.
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- 소비자 & 광고
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- 디지털 미디어
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- 조회수507
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- 디지털 미디어
- 디지털 미디어 연인과 관련된 인스타그램 이용행태.
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- 지속가능성
- 지속가능성 Interplay Between Social Norm and Construal Level in Environmental Conservation Message: A Field Study.
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- 조회수575
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- 지속가능성
- 지속가능성 The Effects of Descriptive Norm and Construal Level in Conservation Behaviors.
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- 소비자 & 광고 Materialism and Ethical Consumption: the Moderating Role of Ad Appeal and Product Type.
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- 소비자 & 광고
- 소비자 & 광고 The Interplay of Product Image and Regulatory Focus on Green Consumption.
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